We are almost half way through August and I have not posted a thing. I am more behind in things this month, I am trying to catch up a few loose ends, as I have to have a heart procedure done called Electro Physiology Study and Catheter Abelation because I have tachycardia and palpitations that are controlled by drugs that I have to take the rest of my life and apparently this procedure cures the problem and should relieve me of that drug regimen. There is a 95% success rate and for those needing a second round, they do 95% of the 5% successfully. Unfortunately there are some serious side effects in a small number of patients. I would be interested in hearing from persons who have undergone this procedure.
I had to quit doing contests for awhile so I can catch up those loose ends and I sort of miss them. I will probably be out of commission for about a week as I go off the heart medication and have and recover from the procedure. Time well spent if successful I guess. I did win a small cash prize from ValPak which was much appreciated. I really need a new camera but will use the money for something else this month. My Konica Minolta Dimage Z10, 3.2 megapixel camera will have to do service for a few more months yet.