
Some interesting facts about Orillia

Some interesting facts about Orillia from the local paper.

There are 7 Tim Hortons in Orillia, 1,479 in Ontario, 2,733 in Canada and 345 in the United States.

There are 11 municipal parking lots. [This is from a story about people gathering in a parking lot in the evening for socializing.]

2006 population was 30,259.

Median family income $51,339 ($10,000 about below the provincial figure), single parent families $28,334, two-parent families $57,443.

33.7 percent of Orillia households earn less than $30,000 in 2001.

Average annual earnings for a full time worker in 2000 was $36,859, in Ontario $47,299.

Average rents in Orillia is $762. Broken down it is $530 for a bachelor, $694 for one bedroom and $918 for a three bedroom.

3.84% of Orillia residents are on disability. (1.67% in Barrie, 1.53 in Simcoe County).

1.81% are in Ontario Works. (Barrie is 1.34%)

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