
Baby Abducted in Sudbury Hospital

Brenda Batisse, the woman who allegedly kidnapped a baby from the Sudbury hospital a few days ago, was defended by her aunt who insisted Batisse is "not a criminal".

Not a criminal? Of course she is a criminal, she commited (allegedly) a criminal act. I often wonder why we assume if a man commits a criminal act we assume he is a pig or a monster, while a woman is characterized as mentally unstable and needing help, a slave to her hormones, or under the influence of a man and therefore unable to think for themselves. Of course the man (common-law partner) was instantly arrested, but had to be released because he was not involved.

Proper security measures in the hospital might have prevented this occurence if they were followed. Just what we need, another incident to make parents paranoid about their children. In another news article a woman who was due to give birth in the same hospital was aprehensive about the security of the hospital (why I ask?). I would think after an event like this everyone would be security conscious. Besides I believe there has been only about three baby abductions in the last 15 years from Canadian hospitals making your child's chances of abduction approach zero.

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