
first post

I have been trying to figure out how to post on this blog site and have after a few false starts figured out enough to start a blog. I never particularly liked to blog idea but it seems a good way of communicating some pet peeves I have as well as information that sometimes I feel is useful to someone else. Hopefully I will have time to update on a regular basis but who knows. A parable says the longest journey starts with a single step, so here is step 1.

A new post today about Moola. I have been playing this game for about 2 weeks or so and I seem to always get back down to 0 and then add money to the system. You do not add your own money, the website gives you a penny and you play a game through various levels. I will give out an email address, see the link at the list at the right of this page where you can get a hold of me, send me an email address and I will send an invite which is the only way one can join. If I can get the links at the right of this page to work I will give you a moola link too.

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