
Don't you hate it when they do this on TV (Not for squimish)

So I'm watching Criminal Minds season opener, missed the first half so these two brothers are hunting people in the woods with hunting bows. Two women are being chased, woman 1 gets killed, woman 2 jumps out of the bushes with a knife, stabs the brother 1, who drops his bow. woman 2 turns and runs off leaving woman 1 dead, brother 1 mortally wounded and bow and arrows on the ground.

Brother 2 comes and finds brother 1 still alive and mortally wounded and goes off to hunt woman 2. Woman two is yelling somewhere so he follows her voice. Woman 2 climbs tree and jumps brother 2, stabs him and he is on the ground temporarily incapacitated and she turns and runs off again leaving brother two and bows and arrows ( second opportunity to arm oneself and disarm pursuer). Of course brother 2 revives, picks up bow and arrow and continues chase, only to be interrupted by the Criminal Minds team in the nick of time who shoot brother 2.

This always seems to happen. I would hope my first instinct would be to grab the weapon, whatever it was and take it and if possible finish off my pursuer. This woman had two opportunities to arm herself with the bow and arrows and chose to turn and run off. It seems to be a flaw in writers as they always do this to to the point it is predictable and annoys me.


Goodbye, mum, I love you.

On May 9th I will bury my mother. She died earlier this year and the burial is delayed until spring, so it was decided to bury her on her birthday, which seems fitting somehow. With many bumps along the way she managed to survive to an old age many of us aspire to. With bouts of ill health, a world war, immigration to a new country and the death of her husband she always found strength to continue. Unfortunately battling the tides of time and the natural cycles of birth and death overtook her eventually.

My mother was described as such a nice woman, which she was. She was unselfish to a fault, and unfortunately sometimes taken advantage of because of her generosity. She loved her family and was not sometimes fully appreciated by them. In her later years as her health deteriorated and I had to take care of her more and more, I became good friends and came to appreciate her more. I miss her so much now, I lost a good friend as well as a loving mother. Goodbye, mum, I love you.

Canada raises age of sexual consent to 16 from 14 today May 1, 2008

Today Canada raised the age of sexual consent to 16 for 14 where it has been since 1892.

This legislation will not affect me as I have no daughters under 16 and have no inclination to have sex with anyone of that age bracket. I say daughters because the predation of women on teenage boys seems to go unpunished or taken less seriously.

Having said that if the raison d'etre of the legislation is to stop internet luring then make that illegal instead of this obtuse way. If you think this will stop your daughters from having sex you are sorely mistaken. A 15 year old can still have sex with a 19 year old, so you cannot put your daughter's boyfriend in jail, too bad. They can have all the sex they want as long as it is not with an old guy. Of course the first of these cases will be some 20 year old (guy) being charged for having sex with a 15 year old who with fake id and makeup was passing for an older woman.

Is this a big problem, 14 and 15 year olds having sex with men old enough to be their father? Making it illegal for anyone over 40 to have sex with anyone would probably just as effective.

What I find amazing in the political arena is that people applaud this type of legislation that is passed by the Conservatives yet continue to elect Liberal governments who would have never passed this legislation.