http://www.expectingmom.ca/origaudio-rock-it-2-0-review-giveaway/OrigAudio Rock-It 2.0 Review Giveaway
expires March 8, 2012 #rafflecopter #contest #Canada #daily
from MomMomOnTheGo
expires March 8, 2012 #rafflecopter #contest #Canada #daily
from MomMomOnTheGo
I got my H1N1 shot a couple of weeks ago so you can sneeze all over me if you want. I would prefer a hug or a kiss though. :)
My latest cancer checkup came back clear. I guess I can plan on living for a while without that nasty disease.
I still miss my mom. My niece just had a baby and mom would have loved doting on a new addition to the family.
We are experiencing a record warm spell for November in Ontario. No snow yet here and there are forecasts for a mild winter. I guess time will tell if the snow will be piled high.
I am still single and admit I get lonely at times. My health precludes a lot of socializing too so I am not sure what the solution is.
My GIO ebike that I purchased in July in in the shop. The shop consists of my garage because I have to do all the repairs. It developed a grinding noise in the back brake one day when I was out, and was really bad by the time I got home. I have added this task to my to do list which seems to get ever longer each day.
My list of things to get ready for winter has been mostly finished however. I cleaned the rear patio of leaves and put the patio furniture in a pile. My furnace has been cleaned and my humidifier is at the ready for the winter dry air. I have my winter clothing ready. I removed the batteries from my GIO and will be charging them indoors so they do not go flat over the winter. My car is oiled to prevent rust. I have arranged to have my driveway blown out however I have yet to ready my own little snowblower for winter. I want my own for backup.
My latest cancer checkup came back clear. I guess I can plan on living for a while without that nasty disease.
I still miss my mom. My niece just had a baby and mom would have loved doting on a new addition to the family.
We are experiencing a record warm spell for November in Ontario. No snow yet here and there are forecasts for a mild winter. I guess time will tell if the snow will be piled high.
I am still single and admit I get lonely at times. My health precludes a lot of socializing too so I am not sure what the solution is.
My GIO ebike that I purchased in July in in the shop. The shop consists of my garage because I have to do all the repairs. It developed a grinding noise in the back brake one day when I was out, and was really bad by the time I got home. I have added this task to my to do list which seems to get ever longer each day.
My list of things to get ready for winter has been mostly finished however. I cleaned the rear patio of leaves and put the patio furniture in a pile. My furnace has been cleaned and my humidifier is at the ready for the winter dry air. I have my winter clothing ready. I removed the batteries from my GIO and will be charging them indoors so they do not go flat over the winter. My car is oiled to prevent rust. I have arranged to have my driveway blown out however I have yet to ready my own little snowblower for winter. I want my own for backup.
Swine flu in Mexico
The news say that it could be the beginning of a flu pandemic as there are cases in Mexico and two southern border states. I sure hope this is not going to be a serious threat. The news keeps warning about bird flu and keeps killing poultry stocks as it pops up now and again. The problem with this swine flu is they think it transfers from human to human and has killed people already. It also has too many cases to be confined to Mexico so they say.
We did not handle the SARS outbreak very well, I hope we learned something from that. I think I still have some of the special masks from that fiasco.
I will be watching the news, and hope this dies down soon.
We did not handle the SARS outbreak very well, I hope we learned something from that. I think I still have some of the special masks from that fiasco.
I will be watching the news, and hope this dies down soon.
Breaking Bad with Bryan Cranston ...
... on the cable network AMC. Is anyone watching this? I have seen two episodes so far and I am hooked.
" Breaking Bad stars Bryan Cranston as Walter White, a struggling high school chemistry teacher with a handicapped teenage son (RJ Mitte) and pregnant wife (Anna Gunn). When the already tense White is diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, he breaks down and turns to a life of crime, setting up a meth lab with his former student Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) in a desire to secure his family's future financial security."
I often wonder if in the same situation whether I would do something like this for money given dire circumstances. It is not like they can do anything to you as you are terminal anyway and by the time you get to trial you will already be dead or too sick already.
" Breaking Bad stars Bryan Cranston as Walter White, a struggling high school chemistry teacher with a handicapped teenage son (RJ Mitte) and pregnant wife (Anna Gunn). When the already tense White is diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, he breaks down and turns to a life of crime, setting up a meth lab with his former student Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) in a desire to secure his family's future financial security."
I often wonder if in the same situation whether I would do something like this for money given dire circumstances. It is not like they can do anything to you as you are terminal anyway and by the time you get to trial you will already be dead or too sick already.
my first attempts with my food dehydrator
I bought a Mr. Coffee "The Food Dehydrator" model FD5 awhile back for about 7$ at the Goodwill and tried it out a few weeks ago. The motor was seized so I took it apart and cleaned and lubricated. It was a fairly simple job to do this. It is a clean machine that looks almost unused. I tried it out on some celery leaves and it worked great.
This week I ran into some tomatoes on the reduced rack, 99 cents for about 2 kilos, and lots of peppers so I decided to take the plunge. It took a couple of days of drying but I ended up with a very small bag of dried green peppers which were about 25 cents each, and about 80 grams of dried tomatoes.
I have now to find recipes for sun dried tomatoes.
I use a mandolin slicer and it would be next to impossible to get the consistent slices of tomatoes without this device. It takes no time at all to slice a tomato into almost perfect slices.
I think I will try this again if I run across surplus veggies, the time involved is not that great, other than the waiting, and the stored veggies should last awhile in storage.
This week I ran into some tomatoes on the reduced rack, 99 cents for about 2 kilos, and lots of peppers so I decided to take the plunge. It took a couple of days of drying but I ended up with a very small bag of dried green peppers which were about 25 cents each, and about 80 grams of dried tomatoes.
I have now to find recipes for sun dried tomatoes.
I use a mandolin slicer and it would be next to impossible to get the consistent slices of tomatoes without this device. It takes no time at all to slice a tomato into almost perfect slices.
I think I will try this again if I run across surplus veggies, the time involved is not that great, other than the waiting, and the stored veggies should last awhile in storage.
Just what I need, a portable shopping cart washer
I am too lazy to post the picture so you can go to the link to take a look. It is a portable cabinet on wheels like a mini car wash for those skuzzy shopping carts that have diaper residue in the kiddies' seat and have crushed produce and meat juices in the main part that have been marinating in the sun, that you have to put your food into. I wonder if they have a model that has larger wheels that I can tow behind my car?
I have heard that the handle of shopping carts are dirtier than a toilet seat.
They also have a similar system for dogs. Any dog I know would freek out being loaded into one of these things.
I am too lazy to post the picture so you can go to the link to take a look. It is a portable cabinet on wheels like a mini car wash for those skuzzy shopping carts that have diaper residue in the kiddies' seat and have crushed produce and meat juices in the main part that have been marinating in the sun, that you have to put your food into. I wonder if they have a model that has larger wheels that I can tow behind my car?
I have heard that the handle of shopping carts are dirtier than a toilet seat.
They also have a similar system for dogs. Any dog I know would freek out being loaded into one of these things.
Another twist on the Nigerian scam
Another twist on the Nigerian Scam, posing as a friend and then becoming needy. The chic was not even a chic. I actually met a guy who was bragging about his "girlfriend" who he was sending money to so that she could come over to Canada. At least she appeared to be a real woman.
The internet allows all kinds of scammers into your house and life.
Another twist on the Nigerian Scam, posing as a friend and then becoming needy. The chic was not even a chic. I actually met a guy who was bragging about his "girlfriend" who he was sending money to so that she could come over to Canada. At least she appeared to be a real woman.
The internet allows all kinds of scammers into your house and life.
Detroit crooks re-offend to keep warm and fed.
Unemployment in Detroit is approaching 21% and there is a story about prison inmates are re-offending to get back into prison where they have food, shelter and health care. Sounds like at least Detroit is suffering a depression. To be fair, Detroit has its own unique set of problems dating back decades.
Unemployment in Detroit is approaching 21% and there is a story about prison inmates are re-offending to get back into prison where they have food, shelter and health care. Sounds like at least Detroit is suffering a depression. To be fair, Detroit has its own unique set of problems dating back decades.
Teet.net win prizes daily
Teet.net has many prizes available. From one to several daily timed prizes. Guess the timer stop and get points. When the timer stops, roll the dice for the prize. Prizes include Nintendo Wii, Sony PS3, ASUS eee, and many more. Site is in beta so odds of winning is good as not a massive amount of members yet. Lots more coming.
make money,
win prizes
MySearchBonus paid to search engine for gas cards
Get paid to use search engine. Google pays you nothing, this search engine uses Google for searches but pays you up to 50 points per day. Cash out for gas cards or merchandise cards. Cashouts start as little as 500 points.
gas card,
get paid,
make money
Don't you hate it when they do this on TV (Not for squimish)
So I'm watching Criminal Minds season opener, missed the first half so these two brothers are hunting people in the woods with hunting bows. Two women are being chased, woman 1 gets killed, woman 2 jumps out of the bushes with a knife, stabs the brother 1, who drops his bow. woman 2 turns and runs off leaving woman 1 dead, brother 1 mortally wounded and bow and arrows on the ground.
Brother 2 comes and finds brother 1 still alive and mortally wounded and goes off to hunt woman 2. Woman two is yelling somewhere so he follows her voice. Woman 2 climbs tree and jumps brother 2, stabs him and he is on the ground temporarily incapacitated and she turns and runs off again leaving brother two and bows and arrows ( second opportunity to arm oneself and disarm pursuer). Of course brother 2 revives, picks up bow and arrow and continues chase, only to be interrupted by the Criminal Minds team in the nick of time who shoot brother 2.
This always seems to happen. I would hope my first instinct would be to grab the weapon, whatever it was and take it and if possible finish off my pursuer. This woman had two opportunities to arm herself with the bow and arrows and chose to turn and run off. It seems to be a flaw in writers as they always do this to to the point it is predictable and annoys me.
Brother 2 comes and finds brother 1 still alive and mortally wounded and goes off to hunt woman 2. Woman two is yelling somewhere so he follows her voice. Woman 2 climbs tree and jumps brother 2, stabs him and he is on the ground temporarily incapacitated and she turns and runs off again leaving brother two and bows and arrows ( second opportunity to arm oneself and disarm pursuer). Of course brother 2 revives, picks up bow and arrow and continues chase, only to be interrupted by the Criminal Minds team in the nick of time who shoot brother 2.
This always seems to happen. I would hope my first instinct would be to grab the weapon, whatever it was and take it and if possible finish off my pursuer. This woman had two opportunities to arm herself with the bow and arrows and chose to turn and run off. It seems to be a flaw in writers as they always do this to to the point it is predictable and annoys me.
Goodbye, mum, I love you.
On May 9th I will bury my mother. She died earlier this year and the burial is delayed until spring, so it was decided to bury her on her birthday, which seems fitting somehow. With many bumps along the way she managed to survive to an old age many of us aspire to. With bouts of ill health, a world war, immigration to a new country and the death of her husband she always found strength to continue. Unfortunately battling the tides of time and the natural cycles of birth and death overtook her eventually.
My mother was described as such a nice woman, which she was. She was unselfish to a fault, and unfortunately sometimes taken advantage of because of her generosity. She loved her family and was not sometimes fully appreciated by them. In her later years as her health deteriorated and I had to take care of her more and more, I became good friends and came to appreciate her more. I miss her so much now, I lost a good friend as well as a loving mother. Goodbye, mum, I love you.
My mother was described as such a nice woman, which she was. She was unselfish to a fault, and unfortunately sometimes taken advantage of because of her generosity. She loved her family and was not sometimes fully appreciated by them. In her later years as her health deteriorated and I had to take care of her more and more, I became good friends and came to appreciate her more. I miss her so much now, I lost a good friend as well as a loving mother. Goodbye, mum, I love you.
Canada raises age of sexual consent to 16 from 14 today May 1, 2008
Today Canada raised the age of sexual consent to 16 for 14 where it has been since 1892.
This legislation will not affect me as I have no daughters under 16 and have no inclination to have sex with anyone of that age bracket. I say daughters because the predation of women on teenage boys seems to go unpunished or taken less seriously.
Having said that if the raison d'etre of the legislation is to stop internet luring then make that illegal instead of this obtuse way. If you think this will stop your daughters from having sex you are sorely mistaken. A 15 year old can still have sex with a 19 year old, so you cannot put your daughter's boyfriend in jail, too bad. They can have all the sex they want as long as it is not with an old guy. Of course the first of these cases will be some 20 year old (guy) being charged for having sex with a 15 year old who with fake id and makeup was passing for an older woman.
Is this a big problem, 14 and 15 year olds having sex with men old enough to be their father? Making it illegal for anyone over 40 to have sex with anyone would probably just as effective.
What I find amazing in the political arena is that people applaud this type of legislation that is passed by the Conservatives yet continue to elect Liberal governments who would have never passed this legislation.
This legislation will not affect me as I have no daughters under 16 and have no inclination to have sex with anyone of that age bracket. I say daughters because the predation of women on teenage boys seems to go unpunished or taken less seriously.
Having said that if the raison d'etre of the legislation is to stop internet luring then make that illegal instead of this obtuse way. If you think this will stop your daughters from having sex you are sorely mistaken. A 15 year old can still have sex with a 19 year old, so you cannot put your daughter's boyfriend in jail, too bad. They can have all the sex they want as long as it is not with an old guy. Of course the first of these cases will be some 20 year old (guy) being charged for having sex with a 15 year old who with fake id and makeup was passing for an older woman.
Is this a big problem, 14 and 15 year olds having sex with men old enough to be their father? Making it illegal for anyone over 40 to have sex with anyone would probably just as effective.
What I find amazing in the political arena is that people applaud this type of legislation that is passed by the Conservatives yet continue to elect Liberal governments who would have never passed this legislation.
Mosquito youth repellent device hits Canada after success in Britain.
Mosquito youth repellent device hits Canada after success in Britain.
The Mosquito teen repellant has come to Canada and sales are good. Apparently this machine gives out an ultrasonic buzz that only teens can hear. Civil rights activists complained about the store and mall owners clearing out the yobs hanging around by using this machine.
Orillia Downtown is using a similar device on the seagulls who invaded the downtown rooftops after being scared away from the Port of Orillia where they were a nuisance on the breakwater. They play a recorded message of a seagull in distress.
The Mosquito teen repellant has come to Canada and sales are good. Apparently this machine gives out an ultrasonic buzz that only teens can hear. Civil rights activists complained about the store and mall owners clearing out the yobs hanging around by using this machine.
Orillia Downtown is using a similar device on the seagulls who invaded the downtown rooftops after being scared away from the Port of Orillia where they were a nuisance on the breakwater. They play a recorded message of a seagull in distress.
Sell your used electronics
Sell your used electronics. Most of the listings they buy are fairly recent but the offers seem reasonable. Good for frequent updaters who do not want the hassle of Ebay selling.
Sell your used electronics. Most of the listings they buy are fairly recent but the offers seem reasonable. Good for frequent updaters who do not want the hassle of Ebay selling.
I can't believe no one knows who this little girl is
left in a stairwell to possible freeze, and I heard had signs of possible physical abuse about the head.
There are few clues and no tips as to the identity.
Updated Feb. 3, 2008. The little girl is named Angelica-Leslie but there is still no clue or tips as to her identity. I saw her on the Buffalo TV news too.
Tata Nano the $2500 car unvieled
What happened to Christmas?
What happened to Christmas? Christians are throwing a birthday party but they are not invited. In order not to ""offend"" non-christians the holiday has turned secular. No longer content with a bag of nuts, and orange, a rag doll or when you got older, a bike! Obligatory gifts have turned Christmas into Giftmas or Gimme-mas.
What happened to Christmas, I don't know, I have grown older and the society around me has changed. Maybe the Christmas I remember really never was, seen through a child's eyes everything is different, only the memories how I saw it then remain.
Merry Christmas anyway, no matter how you celebrate it. (Uh, I want a Wii, a flat screen TV, a PVR (Tivo to you Americans) and a laptop. However a Merry Christmas in return would be o.k. too.)
What happened to Christmas, I don't know, I have grown older and the society around me has changed. Maybe the Christmas I remember really never was, seen through a child's eyes everything is different, only the memories how I saw it then remain.
Merry Christmas anyway, no matter how you celebrate it. (Uh, I want a Wii, a flat screen TV, a PVR (Tivo to you Americans) and a laptop. However a Merry Christmas in return would be o.k. too.)
Top doctor jumped the queue
Top doctor jumped the queue
Brian Day got his daughter in for an MRI on her knee right away because he is a doctor. He is also president of the Canadian Medical Association. Is it okay for insiders to get preferential treatment over the general public. He says he did nothing wrong so seems to have a sense of entitlement. There is a myth in Canada that there is not a two-tiered health care system, in fact it is multi-layered where persons of privelege get faster and better treatment like hockey players, politicians, and influential doctors and the rich can afford to leave the country for medical care they would have to wait for here.
Story -
Brian Day got his daughter in for an MRI on her knee right away because he is a doctor. He is also president of the Canadian Medical Association. Is it okay for insiders to get preferential treatment over the general public. He says he did nothing wrong so seems to have a sense of entitlement. There is a myth in Canada that there is not a two-tiered health care system, in fact it is multi-layered where persons of privelege get faster and better treatment like hockey players, politicians, and influential doctors and the rich can afford to leave the country for medical care they would have to wait for here.
Story -
Ontario emergency room wait times
I continue to read about hours waiting in the ER rooms in Ontario despite the imposition of the health tax by "liar, liar, pants on fire"' McGuinty. Why do Ontarians continue to elect this Norman Bates lookalike is beyond me, and then complain when he does exactly the same things he did in his last term (little to nothing).
What should happen at the hospital is to have an emergency department and and a non emergency after hours type of clinic co-existing, you walk in, get triaged and sent to the appropriate area. Your health records should be electronic and available there.
The health care system in Ontario is about 20 years or 30 years behind the times. First all the doctors are scattered in private practice all over the city, they should have offices in the hospital. Second, the after hours clinic should be in the hospital, or at least one non urgent clinic. Your health records should be centrally electronically available, not locked up in some doctor's office somewhere, unavailable because it is not office hours or he is on vacation for two weeks. Third, adequate resources should be allocated to emergency rooms, and because there is non-emergency clinic, there is no need to "punish" everyone in order to discourage the "abusers" who walk in with cuts and scrapes.
What you have to do now if you are injured or feel a chest pain is to decide if your illness/injury can wait and phone your family doctor, if you are lucky enough to have one, and lucky enough to get one in less than a week, and if it is the doctor's office hours, not his day off or a weekend. If not you have to figure out if it it the hours of an after hours clinic, becuase the 1-2 hour wait will be better than the 2-6 hour wait at the emergency. None of the previous? Well you are stuck going to the emergency, where they have no files on you. The police can pull me over in the middle of the night on a rural road in the middle of nowhere and know all about me, but the health care system cannot do the same. Whose ass is being protected? Certainly not the patient's. Anyway i digress, but if you were that smart in figuring out how sick you were you would not need a doctor.
What should happen at the hospital is to have an emergency department and and a non emergency after hours type of clinic co-existing, you walk in, get triaged and sent to the appropriate area. Your health records should be electronic and available there.
The health care system in Ontario is about 20 years or 30 years behind the times. First all the doctors are scattered in private practice all over the city, they should have offices in the hospital. Second, the after hours clinic should be in the hospital, or at least one non urgent clinic. Your health records should be centrally electronically available, not locked up in some doctor's office somewhere, unavailable because it is not office hours or he is on vacation for two weeks. Third, adequate resources should be allocated to emergency rooms, and because there is non-emergency clinic, there is no need to "punish" everyone in order to discourage the "abusers" who walk in with cuts and scrapes.
What you have to do now if you are injured or feel a chest pain is to decide if your illness/injury can wait and phone your family doctor, if you are lucky enough to have one, and lucky enough to get one in less than a week, and if it is the doctor's office hours, not his day off or a weekend. If not you have to figure out if it it the hours of an after hours clinic, becuase the 1-2 hour wait will be better than the 2-6 hour wait at the emergency. None of the previous? Well you are stuck going to the emergency, where they have no files on you. The police can pull me over in the middle of the night on a rural road in the middle of nowhere and know all about me, but the health care system cannot do the same. Whose ass is being protected? Certainly not the patient's. Anyway i digress, but if you were that smart in figuring out how sick you were you would not need a doctor.
I Have Prostate Cancer
The odds of a man in a lifetime getting prostate cancer are about one in six. The incidence increases with age, and if you live long enough it is usually a matter of when not if you get prostate cancer if you are a man. I guess I have lived too long because I now have prostate cancer. I have had a radical prostectomy and will have follow up radiation treatment shortly which I am not looking forward to.
I am at a loss in the light of the fact this is the most common cancer in men and being so prevelent that the Ontario government does not pay for the screening test for this deadly disease. I guess men should be the strong silent type and shut up about this sensitive subject and die like a man. Men are about as likely to contract and die of prostate cancer as women are to contract and die of breast cancer. The irony of my situation seems to be that the is Breast Cancer month and I am bombarded with advertisements of pink products being sold, all a portion of sales going to breast cancer research. What about me, where is my "run for the cure"?
I am at a loss in the light of the fact this is the most common cancer in men and being so prevelent that the Ontario government does not pay for the screening test for this deadly disease. I guess men should be the strong silent type and shut up about this sensitive subject and die like a man. Men are about as likely to contract and die of prostate cancer as women are to contract and die of breast cancer. The irony of my situation seems to be that the is Breast Cancer month and I am bombarded with advertisements of pink products being sold, all a portion of sales going to breast cancer research. What about me, where is my "run for the cure"?
Santa Clause myth
I cannot fathom the insistence of parents to decieve their children about Santa Clause. Does this not in later life instil distrust of their parents when they find out Santa Clause is not ""real"" but only a invented figure. I am not suggesting no Santa at all but should be treated as other imaginary figures such as Mickey Mouse, Barbie and the Easter Bunny. ""Yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus"" but he lives in the hearts of men (and children) and should not reach the status of a real magical human being.
Baby Abducted in Sudbury Hospital
Brenda Batisse, the woman who allegedly kidnapped a baby from the Sudbury hospital a few days ago, was defended by her aunt who insisted Batisse is "not a criminal".
Not a criminal? Of course she is a criminal, she commited (allegedly) a criminal act. I often wonder why we assume if a man commits a criminal act we assume he is a pig or a monster, while a woman is characterized as mentally unstable and needing help, a slave to her hormones, or under the influence of a man and therefore unable to think for themselves. Of course the man (common-law partner) was instantly arrested, but had to be released because he was not involved.
Proper security measures in the hospital might have prevented this occurence if they were followed. Just what we need, another incident to make parents paranoid about their children. In another news article a woman who was due to give birth in the same hospital was aprehensive about the security of the hospital (why I ask?). I would think after an event like this everyone would be security conscious. Besides I believe there has been only about three baby abductions in the last 15 years from Canadian hospitals making your child's chances of abduction approach zero.
Sibling Rivalry
While I can understand why my brother and sister might resent a rather large headed infant invading their comfortable world decades ago,and I might even forgive them for ganging up on me and teasing me about my head size, among other things,because we were all children at the time, you would think after all this time they could shed some of this baggage and treat me as an adult and accordingly some respect. As a child being bigger and older might have counted as being superior but being born first or before yourself no longer really has any import when one has reached adulthood, unless an accumulation of skills or wealth might infer some sort of superiority. Would a sit down and a long talk ameliorate this situation, I am not sure, as my opinions are already discounted? I wonder if I should console myself that other people have awful stories of destructive behaviours on the part of their siblings, while mine, though not close are at least civil.
Daylight Savings Time
Once again this time of year the whole North American continent with a few exceptions along with a lot of the world turn back their clocks. The original idea of twelve noon was that the sun was at its zenith and there was equal daylight in the forenoon as was in the afternoon. This probably worked well in an agrarian society. With industrialization came the need to have more natural light in the evening, thus came the idea of daylight savings time and each 6 months the clocks were dutifully turned forward and back. In our post agrarian, post industrial society we are finding that daylight savings time saves energy this the daylight savings portion of the year has been extended by several weeks each way so that daylight savings time occupies much more of the year than standard time.
What I propose is to eliminate the insanity of moving the clocks at all, advance them to daylight savings time and leave them all year long. Ask yourself if this constant moving the clocks serves any useful purpose and you will agree with me.
What I propose is to eliminate the insanity of moving the clocks at all, advance them to daylight savings time and leave them all year long. Ask yourself if this constant moving the clocks serves any useful purpose and you will agree with me.
You say nucular, I say nuclear, (let's call the whole thing off).
English quiz for the smart set:
George Bush's use of nucular for nuclear is an example of
Choose and discuss. Eggstraw marks for spelling.
George Bush's use of nucular for nuclear is an example of
Choose and discuss. Eggstraw marks for spelling.
Breastfeeding in Public
You use those breasts to suckle your infant in the morning, unbutton two or three top buttons to get out of a speeding ticket in the afternoon, wear a low-cut dress with a pushup bra to look sexy in the evening and expose to turn on your signicant other at night for, well you know. For some people it is hard to keep up with your state of mind at the time and confuse one activity with another. The whole North American society revolves around women's breasts, way too much in my opinion. The problem with dual purpose organs is that some people do not know where one activity ends and another begins and women's breasts have been highly sexualized. So until we all become nudists, the controversy will continue.
Let me say I am not a prude and really dont care one way or another if you breastfeed in public, as long as it is done discreetly, unlike that woman who stripped to the waist and breastfed poolside, and actually ended up with an apology. It is a non issue to me.
Let me say I am not a prude and really dont care one way or another if you breastfeed in public, as long as it is done discreetly, unlike that woman who stripped to the waist and breastfed poolside, and actually ended up with an apology. It is a non issue to me.
The USA national debt clock
How much is the United States in debt? 9 trillion dollars (and counting). Most of the portion owed to foreign countries is Japan, China and United Kingdom. Each American owes almost 30,000 dollars each, and by the time you read this it might even exceed that.
The Gross National Debt |
Say What? department
I was told a polar bear's fur is transparent. Now the natural reaction is that it sure looks white. Further research states that the polar bear's skin is actually black, so it the fur was transparent, the polar bear would look black, not white. Sure looks white to me.
today's upc
0-1280047169-0 RayOVac rechargeable batteries AA 2 each
0-1280049827-7 RayOVac charger
0-1280050156-4 RayOVac recharger kit
0-3980003287-4 Energizer Max batteries AA 8 each
0-5500062126-7 Stouffer's Pastaria lasagna casserole 255g [Nestlé]
0-6136240100-3 Cloverleaf sockeye salmon 213 g
0-6321110412-7 Campbell's soup cream of mushroom 540 ml
0-6321112913-7 Campbell's Healthy Request hearty bean & vegetable 540 ml
0-6321113850-4 Campbell's Healthy Request new england clam chowder 540ml
0-6321114504-5 Campbell's Chunky Chili steak 425 g
0-6563327945-2 General Mills Cheerios cereal 525g
0-6720001300-1 E.D.Smith Fruit Lovers strawberry More Fruit 500 ml
0-6780000235-1 Unico diced tomatoes 796 ml
0-8390000378-4 Nestea Zero lemon iced tea 473ml [Coca Cola]
0-1280049827-7 RayOVac charger
0-1280050156-4 RayOVac recharger kit
0-3980003287-4 Energizer Max batteries AA 8 each
0-5500062126-7 Stouffer's Pastaria lasagna casserole 255g [Nestlé]
0-6136240100-3 Cloverleaf sockeye salmon 213 g
0-6321110412-7 Campbell's soup cream of mushroom 540 ml
0-6321112913-7 Campbell's Healthy Request hearty bean & vegetable 540 ml
0-6321113850-4 Campbell's Healthy Request new england clam chowder 540ml
0-6321114504-5 Campbell's Chunky Chili steak 425 g
0-6563327945-2 General Mills Cheerios cereal 525g
0-6720001300-1 E.D.Smith Fruit Lovers strawberry More Fruit 500 ml
0-6780000235-1 Unico diced tomatoes 796 ml
0-8390000378-4 Nestea Zero lemon iced tea 473ml [Coca Cola]
Simpsons trivia just for fun
Simpsons trivia just for fun, no peeking before answering the question.
What is Apu's last name?
(a) Apu is his last name
(b) Majula
(c) Nahasapeemapetilon
(d) Ahmadinejad
Compact Flourescent Lightbulbs dirty little secret
In an effort to conserve energy, north americans have been switching to the new compact flourscent lightbulbs [CFL]. However each bulb contains 5 milligrams of mercury and there has been no publicity about it and little encouragement to take the bulbs to hazardous waste facilities. All this mercury is ending up in landfills.
Mercury is poisonous.
Mercury is poisonous.
today's upc
0-5963134092-4 Lysol toilet bowl cleaner 710 ml [Reckitt Benckiser]
0-6321101041-1 Campbell's broth consommé 254 ml
0-6321102555-2 Franco-American mushroom gravy 284 ml [Campbell]
0-6321102577-4 Franco-American chicken gravy 284 ml [Campbell]
0-6321116233-2 Campbell's Chunky soup chicken & sausage gumbo 540 ml
0-6442000160-3 Sealtest 1% milk 4 litres [Natrel]
0-6490040714-7 Wrigley's Excel Extreme Shock sugar-free gum 12 pces 2.9g each
0-6490040718-5 Wrigley's Excel Charge sugar-free gum 12 pces 2.9g each
0-7309650027-3 Panasonic super heavy duty batteries 4 AAA
6-2790710401-5 Marc Angelo mild italian sausages 500g
0-6321101041-1 Campbell's broth consommé 254 ml
0-6321102555-2 Franco-American mushroom gravy 284 ml [Campbell]
0-6321102577-4 Franco-American chicken gravy 284 ml [Campbell]
0-6321116233-2 Campbell's Chunky soup chicken & sausage gumbo 540 ml
0-6442000160-3 Sealtest 1% milk 4 litres [Natrel]
0-6490040714-7 Wrigley's Excel Extreme Shock sugar-free gum 12 pces 2.9g each
0-6490040718-5 Wrigley's Excel Charge sugar-free gum 12 pces 2.9g each
0-7309650027-3 Panasonic super heavy duty batteries 4 AAA
6-2790710401-5 Marc Angelo mild italian sausages 500g
Some interesting facts about Orillia
Some interesting facts about Orillia from the local paper.
There are 7 Tim Hortons in Orillia, 1,479 in Ontario, 2,733 in Canada and 345 in the United States.
There are 11 municipal parking lots. [This is from a story about people gathering in a parking lot in the evening for socializing.]
2006 population was 30,259.
Median family income $51,339 ($10,000 about below the provincial figure), single parent families $28,334, two-parent families $57,443.
33.7 percent of Orillia households earn less than $30,000 in 2001.
Average annual earnings for a full time worker in 2000 was $36,859, in Ontario $47,299.
Average rents in Orillia is $762. Broken down it is $530 for a bachelor, $694 for one bedroom and $918 for a three bedroom.
3.84% of Orillia residents are on disability. (1.67% in Barrie, 1.53 in Simcoe County).
1.81% are in Ontario Works. (Barrie is 1.34%)
There are 7 Tim Hortons in Orillia, 1,479 in Ontario, 2,733 in Canada and 345 in the United States.
There are 11 municipal parking lots. [This is from a story about people gathering in a parking lot in the evening for socializing.]
2006 population was 30,259.
Median family income $51,339 ($10,000 about below the provincial figure), single parent families $28,334, two-parent families $57,443.
33.7 percent of Orillia households earn less than $30,000 in 2001.
Average annual earnings for a full time worker in 2000 was $36,859, in Ontario $47,299.
Average rents in Orillia is $762. Broken down it is $530 for a bachelor, $694 for one bedroom and $918 for a three bedroom.
3.84% of Orillia residents are on disability. (1.67% in Barrie, 1.53 in Simcoe County).
1.81% are in Ontario Works. (Barrie is 1.34%)
August upc
0-5500099955-7 Stouffer's turkey & stuffing 248g [Nestlé]
0-5557710110-0 Quaker Oats quick 1 kg [QTG]
0-5557710604-4 Quaker oatmeal Suprême strawberry & yogurt 205g [QTG]
0-6311112573-4 Rogers Demera style brown sugar 1 kg
0-6321102577-4 Franco-American chicken gravy 284 ml [Campbell]
0-649173-1 Wrigley's Juicy Fruit sugar-free gum red 12 pces 2.8g each
0-649343-8 Wrigley's Excel Winterfresh sugar-free gum 12 pces 2.9g each
0-649423-3 Wrigley's Juicy Fruit sugar-free gum blue 12 pces 2.9g each
0-6810003062-4 Kraft Cracker Barrel cheddar cheese old 540g
0-685311-8 Kraft Singles 24 thin slices 500g
0-7309650029-7 Panasonic super heavy duty 9V battery one pack
6-0580600147-5 Green Giant Russet potatoes 10 lbs 4.54 kg.
0-5557710110-0 Quaker Oats quick 1 kg [QTG]
0-5557710604-4 Quaker oatmeal Suprême strawberry & yogurt 205g [QTG]
0-6311112573-4 Rogers Demera style brown sugar 1 kg
0-6321102577-4 Franco-American chicken gravy 284 ml [Campbell]
0-649173-1 Wrigley's Juicy Fruit sugar-free gum red 12 pces 2.8g each
0-649343-8 Wrigley's Excel Winterfresh sugar-free gum 12 pces 2.9g each
0-649423-3 Wrigley's Juicy Fruit sugar-free gum blue 12 pces 2.9g each
0-6810003062-4 Kraft Cracker Barrel cheddar cheese old 540g
0-685311-8 Kraft Singles 24 thin slices 500g
0-7309650029-7 Panasonic super heavy duty 9V battery one pack
6-0580600147-5 Green Giant Russet potatoes 10 lbs 4.54 kg.
July's upc
0-5500091244-0 Stouffer's Lean Cusine Café Classics mango curry chicken 300g [Nestlé]
0-5530011109-3 Beatrice 1% low fat milk 4 litres [Parmalat]
0-55500061027-8 Stouffer's macaroni & cheese 340g [Nestlé]
0-5557717000-7 Quaker Oatmeal to Go cinnamon roll oatmeal bars 5 bars x 47g, 235g [QTG]
0-6200045195-4 Schneiders Hot Stuffs meatballs and mozzarella 256g
0-6321110474-1 Campbell's soup vegetable beef 540 ml
0-6381607500-6 Gold Seal chunk light tuna 170g net. [Canadian Fishing]
0-649983-0 Wrigley's Extrasugar-free gum peppermint 14 pces, 3.8g per pce
0-6618801119-1 Post Shredded Wheat whole grain wheat cereal spoon size 675g [Kraft]
0-6672101516-7 Christie Premium Plus crackers five grains 500g
0-6870001106-1 Dairyland 1% milk 4litres [Saputo]
0-6870046300-6 Dairyland cottage cheese 2% 500g [Saputo]
0-68721002345-5 Dempster's Wholegrains 12-grain bread [Canada Bread] 680g
7-7553265014-5 Flags Unlimited car aerial flag
0-5530011109-3 Beatrice 1% low fat milk 4 litres [Parmalat]
0-55500061027-8 Stouffer's macaroni & cheese 340g [Nestlé]
0-5557717000-7 Quaker Oatmeal to Go cinnamon roll oatmeal bars 5 bars x 47g, 235g [QTG]
0-6200045195-4 Schneiders Hot Stuffs meatballs and mozzarella 256g
0-6321110474-1 Campbell's soup vegetable beef 540 ml
0-6381607500-6 Gold Seal chunk light tuna 170g net. [Canadian Fishing]
0-649983-0 Wrigley's Extrasugar-free gum peppermint 14 pces, 3.8g per pce
0-6618801119-1 Post Shredded Wheat whole grain wheat cereal spoon size 675g [Kraft]
0-6672101516-7 Christie Premium Plus crackers five grains 500g
0-6870001106-1 Dairyland 1% milk 4litres [Saputo]
0-6870046300-6 Dairyland cottage cheese 2% 500g [Saputo]
0-68721002345-5 Dempster's Wholegrains 12-grain bread [Canada Bread] 680g
7-7553265014-5 Flags Unlimited car aerial flag
June's upc
0-5500091245-7 Stouffer's Lean Cuisine Cafe Classics chicken caesar 300g
0-5557710627-3 Quaker Acapella raisin 425g
0-5577300275-1 McCain Superfries low fat 900g
0-5577330208-0 McCain chocolate cream pie 340g
0-5800030541-1 Irish Spring deodorant soap Moisture Blast 3-bars 90g each [Colgate-Palmolive]
0-6041004131-4 Hostess potato chips regular 150g[Frito Lay]
0-6136243240-3 Clover Leaf flaked white tuna in water 170g/120g
0-6321100524-6 Cqmpbell's Chunky soup New England clam chowder 540 ml
0-6321102555-2 Franco-Amercican mushroom gravy 10 oz fl 284 ml [Campbell's]
0-6321110414-1 Campbell's soup vegetable beef 540 ml
0-6321110912-2 V8 vegetable cocktail original 950 ml[Campbell]
0-6321112151-3 Campbell's soup herbed chicken vegetable 540 ml
0-6321112913-7 Campbell's Healthy Request hearty bean & vegetable soup 540 ml 19 fl oz
0-6500036262-6 Nestlé Carnation Breakfast Anytime chocolate 10 pouches 400g
0-650060-1 Nestlé Carnation 2% evaporated partly skimmed milk 370 ml
0-6563306937-4 Cheerios original 575g [General Mills]
0-6591211212-8 Cadbury Dairy Mild milk chocolate 100g [Cadbury Adams]
0-6618800170-3 Maxwell House instant coffee decaf 150g [Kraft]
0-6618802003-2 Post Shredded Wheat whole grain wheat cereal 18 biscuits 425 g
0-6661343242-3 Brunswick flaked white tuna in water 170g/120g
0-6694211220-1 Admiral flaked light tuna in water 170 g [Shafer-Haggart]
0-839000026-6 Nestea iced tea lemon green tea 473 ml
8-7145400000-3 Europe's Best 4-field berry mix 600g
0-5557710627-3 Quaker Acapella raisin 425g
0-5577300275-1 McCain Superfries low fat 900g
0-5577330208-0 McCain chocolate cream pie 340g
0-5800030541-1 Irish Spring deodorant soap Moisture Blast 3-bars 90g each [Colgate-Palmolive]
0-6041004131-4 Hostess potato chips regular 150g[Frito Lay]
0-6136243240-3 Clover Leaf flaked white tuna in water 170g/120g
0-6321100524-6 Cqmpbell's Chunky soup New England clam chowder 540 ml
0-6321102555-2 Franco-Amercican mushroom gravy 10 oz fl 284 ml [Campbell's]
0-6321110414-1 Campbell's soup vegetable beef 540 ml
0-6321110912-2 V8 vegetable cocktail original 950 ml[Campbell]
0-6321112151-3 Campbell's soup herbed chicken vegetable 540 ml
0-6321112913-7 Campbell's Healthy Request hearty bean & vegetable soup 540 ml 19 fl oz
0-6500036262-6 Nestlé Carnation Breakfast Anytime chocolate 10 pouches 400g
0-650060-1 Nestlé Carnation 2% evaporated partly skimmed milk 370 ml
0-6563306937-4 Cheerios original 575g [General Mills]
0-6591211212-8 Cadbury Dairy Mild milk chocolate 100g [Cadbury Adams]
0-6618800170-3 Maxwell House instant coffee decaf 150g [Kraft]
0-6618802003-2 Post Shredded Wheat whole grain wheat cereal 18 biscuits 425 g
0-6661343242-3 Brunswick flaked white tuna in water 170g/120g
0-6694211220-1 Admiral flaked light tuna in water 170 g [Shafer-Haggart]
0-839000026-6 Nestea iced tea lemon green tea 473 ml
8-7145400000-3 Europe's Best 4-field berry mix 600g
Pull my finger
Frenchman: "Go ahead, pull my finger and you will get a surprise."
Indian 1: "Surprise is, if I pull finger, whiteman will own all the land."
Indian 2: Don't be ridiculous, you can no more own the land that own the wind or the sky."
Indian 1: Ok, I pull finger now, here, hold my pipe.
Indian 1: "Surprise is, if I pull finger, whiteman will own all the land."
Indian 2: Don't be ridiculous, you can no more own the land that own the wind or the sky."
Indian 1: Ok, I pull finger now, here, hold my pipe.
May's upc
0-1380049001-8 Stouffer's barbecue chicken 250 g [Nestlé]
0-5500061217-3 Stouffer's Lean Cuisine Selections chicken a lórange 212g [Nestlé]
0-5500091241-9 Stouffer's Lean Cuisine Café Classics creamy chicken alfredo 300 g [Nestlé]
0-5500091245-7 Stouffer's Lean Cuisine Café Classics chicken caesar 300 g [Nestlé]
0-5527083144-1 Grace coconut water 330 ml
0-5610001669-4 Ultra2 Tide Free 1.3 kg 25-uses [Procter & gamble]
0-566313-5 Hershey's creamy milk chocolate 45 g
0-566373-7 Reese peanut butter cups 51 g [Hershey]
0-5692001225-8 Yoplait YOP strawberry 200 ml [Ultima Foods]
0-5692001227-2 Yoplait YOP vanilla 200 ml [Ultima Foods]
0-594100-5 Bick's Yum Yum pickles sweet 1L [Smucker Foods]
0-598413-3 Nestlé Smarties 56 g
0-649763-8 Wrigley's Extra sugarfree gum polar ice 14 pieces (1.9 g/pce)
0-650060-1 Nestlé Carnation 2% evaporated partly skimmed milk 370 ml
0-6565100053-3 NatureEgg omega3 large eggs 12 [Burnbrae Farms]
0-6591200108-8 Cadbury Caramilk 52 g [Cadbury Adams]
0-6680002022-8 Nestlé Nesquick vanilla 473 ml
0-6810001126-5 Kraft Philadelphia cream cheese original 250 g tub
0-6810001137-1 Kraft Philadelphia cream cheese herb & garlic 250 g tub
0-6810001322-1 Kraft Philadelphia cream cheese roasted red pepper 250 g tub
0-6870030225-1 Milk2Go vanilla vibe 500 ml [Saputo]
0-6905255041-3 Green Giant mixed vegetables 1 kg [General Mills]
0-839123-7 Nestea iced tea lemon flavour 473 ml
6-9567600405-8 The Keg dressing ranch 475 ml
0-5500061217-3 Stouffer's Lean Cuisine Selections chicken a lórange 212g [Nestlé]
0-5500091241-9 Stouffer's Lean Cuisine Café Classics creamy chicken alfredo 300 g [Nestlé]
0-5500091245-7 Stouffer's Lean Cuisine Café Classics chicken caesar 300 g [Nestlé]
0-5527083144-1 Grace coconut water 330 ml
0-5610001669-4 Ultra2 Tide Free 1.3 kg 25-uses [Procter & gamble]
0-566313-5 Hershey's creamy milk chocolate 45 g
0-566373-7 Reese peanut butter cups 51 g [Hershey]
0-5692001225-8 Yoplait YOP strawberry 200 ml [Ultima Foods]
0-5692001227-2 Yoplait YOP vanilla 200 ml [Ultima Foods]
0-594100-5 Bick's Yum Yum pickles sweet 1L [Smucker Foods]
0-598413-3 Nestlé Smarties 56 g
0-649763-8 Wrigley's Extra sugarfree gum polar ice 14 pieces (1.9 g/pce)
0-650060-1 Nestlé Carnation 2% evaporated partly skimmed milk 370 ml
0-6565100053-3 NatureEgg omega3 large eggs 12 [Burnbrae Farms]
0-6591200108-8 Cadbury Caramilk 52 g [Cadbury Adams]
0-6680002022-8 Nestlé Nesquick vanilla 473 ml
0-6810001126-5 Kraft Philadelphia cream cheese original 250 g tub
0-6810001137-1 Kraft Philadelphia cream cheese herb & garlic 250 g tub
0-6810001322-1 Kraft Philadelphia cream cheese roasted red pepper 250 g tub
0-6870030225-1 Milk2Go vanilla vibe 500 ml [Saputo]
0-6905255041-3 Green Giant mixed vegetables 1 kg [General Mills]
0-839123-7 Nestea iced tea lemon flavour 473 ml
6-9567600405-8 The Keg dressing ranch 475 ml
April's upc
0-5620076226-2 French's bold n'spicy deli prepared mustard 325 ml [Reckitt Benckiser]
0-6321100550-9 Campbell's Chunky beef 19 fl.oz. 540 ml
0-6321112914-4 Campbell's Healthy Request herbed chicken noodle 19 oz liq 540 ml
0-6321113997-6 Campbell's (soup) tomato with cheese and portobello mushroom ravioli 19 fl.oz. 540 ml
0-6321100550-9 Campbell's Chunky beef 19 fl.oz. 540 ml
0-6321112914-4 Campbell's Healthy Request herbed chicken noodle 19 oz liq 540 ml
0-6321113997-6 Campbell's (soup) tomato with cheese and portobello mushroom ravioli 19 fl.oz. 540 ml
Exodus 3000 online game
A new game I am trying out. Apparently you can win prizes and cash out money after playing and winning points. It seems fairly new so getting in early might be an advantage.
Quote from the website "Upgrade, attack, form alliances, and win real cash and prizes.
Exodus 3000 is an online strategy game where you can have fun and win real cash and prizes! You don't need to install any extra software...just sign up and begin playing! "
Votes Please updated

Electro-Physiology and Catheter Abelation update
I went down to Sunnybrook after quitting Sotalol for three days and took the Electro-Physiology study. I failed the test as my heart did not go into any abnormal rythm or tachychardia so I was not ablated. Now I am going to have an external recorder attached for six weeks and they will then decide what to do next. So far I feel better off the drug and my episodes seem to be reasonably mild, certainly tolerable if they do not last too long. I have to be off the Sotalol anyways for the tests and am considering going off altogether and putting up with the symptoms for awhile at least. When I was being prepared for the test I had to take off all my clothes and put on a gown. This is the first time I have been naked in a room since I was born, and I have no plans to repeat the experience.
If anyone has gone through this I would like their comments. Maybe there are some sort of support groups on the internet, I should look.
If anyone has gone through this I would like their comments. Maybe there are some sort of support groups on the internet, I should look.
Blogger now with Google
I can't seem to win for losing with this Blogger account. Just as I am learning how to use everything the accounts now all have to be changed over to Google passwords. OK I got a Google account already so I will try that on. *Sigh* another afternoon wasted as I track down the inevitable bug in the system that won't work right. So goes my love/hate relationship with computers.
As I said I am still learning Blogger. If I delete this post on the main page will it still stay in Archives, which is what I want. I see July posts are still on the main page and I wanted them to just go into July archives. Another hour or two wasted as I figure this out.
As I said I am still learning Blogger. If I delete this post on the main page will it still stay in Archives, which is what I want. I see July posts are still on the main page and I wanted them to just go into July archives. Another hour or two wasted as I figure this out.
Electro-Physiology and Catheter Abelation
We are almost half way through August and I have not posted a thing. I am more behind in things this month, I am trying to catch up a few loose ends, as I have to have a heart procedure done called Electro Physiology Study and Catheter Abelation because I have tachycardia and palpitations that are controlled by drugs that I have to take the rest of my life and apparently this procedure cures the problem and should relieve me of that drug regimen. There is a 95% success rate and for those needing a second round, they do 95% of the 5% successfully. Unfortunately there are some serious side effects in a small number of patients. I would be interested in hearing from persons who have undergone this procedure.
I had to quit doing contests for awhile so I can catch up those loose ends and I sort of miss them. I will probably be out of commission for about a week as I go off the heart medication and have and recover from the procedure. Time well spent if successful I guess. I did win a small cash prize from ValPak which was much appreciated. I really need a new camera but will use the money for something else this month. My Konica Minolta Dimage Z10, 3.2 megapixel camera will have to do service for a few more months yet.
I had to quit doing contests for awhile so I can catch up those loose ends and I sort of miss them. I will probably be out of commission for about a week as I go off the heart medication and have and recover from the procedure. Time well spent if successful I guess. I did win a small cash prize from ValPak which was much appreciated. I really need a new camera but will use the money for something else this month. My Konica Minolta Dimage Z10, 3.2 megapixel camera will have to do service for a few more months yet.
Dell Free time Frenzy
I play a lot of contests and presently have to post a link to this contest for an extra 50 points. Careful, you might find this game addicting. Dell has regular contests that seem fun to play. I won a DJ Ditty mp3 player a couple of months ago so people do win.
I am not sure how they know I posted this link to their contest but here goes.
I am not sure how they know I posted this link to their contest but here goes.
open 24 hours
I took this picture in the local A&P lot when the light was fast fading with my Olympus 110. Everyone was in a hurry that day it seemed.
This is a test post from
, a fancy photo sharing thing.
I have posted a few of my photos at flickr and will be able to link them to here. This will save a whole lot of transferring of photos over to this blog. If you have photos to post in an album and want to post them on your blog this is a great service. All of it free so far. I believe Flickr has a paid version too which allows more uploading than I require at the present time.
I have posted a few of my photos at flickr and will be able to link them to here. This will save a whole lot of transferring of photos over to this blog. If you have photos to post in an album and want to post them on your blog this is a great service. All of it free so far. I believe Flickr has a paid version too which allows more uploading than I require at the present time.
New game on Moola.com
first post
I have been trying to figure out how to post on this blog site and have after a few false starts figured out enough to start a blog. I never particularly liked to blog idea but it seems a good way of communicating some pet peeves I have as well as information that sometimes I feel is useful to someone else. Hopefully I will have time to update on a regular basis but who knows. A parable says the longest journey starts with a single step, so here is step 1.
A new post today about Moola. I have been playing this game for about 2 weeks or so and I seem to always get back down to 0 and then add money to the system. You do not add your own money, the website gives you a penny and you play a game through various levels. I will give out an email address, see the link at the list at the right of this page where you can get a hold of me, send me an email address and I will send an invite which is the only way one can join. If I can get the links at the right of this page to work I will give you a moola link too.
A new post today about Moola. I have been playing this game for about 2 weeks or so and I seem to always get back down to 0 and then add money to the system. You do not add your own money, the website gives you a penny and you play a game through various levels. I will give out an email address, see the link at the list at the right of this page where you can get a hold of me, send me an email address and I will send an invite which is the only way one can join. If I can get the links at the right of this page to work I will give you a moola link too.
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